现代PHP的新特性(5) – Traits


Many of my PHP developer friends are confused by traits,a new concept introduced in PHP 5.4.0. Traits behave like classes but look like interfaces.witch one are they?neither and both.

A trait is a partial class implementation(i.e,constants,properties,and methods)that can be mixed into one or more existing PHP classes.traits work double duty:they say what a class can do(like an interface),and they provide a modular implementation(like a class).


You may be familiar with traits in other languages.for example,PHP traits are similar to Ruby’s composable modules.or mixins.


Why we use traits

The PHP language uses a classical inheritance model.this means you start with a single generalized root class that provides a base implementation.you extend the root class to create more specialized classes that inherit their immediate parent’s implementation.this is called an inheritance hierarchy,and it is a common pattern used by many programming languages.

If it helps,picture yourself back in grade school biology.remember how you learned about the biological classification system?there are six kingdom is extended by phyla.each phylum is extended by biological classes.classes are extended by orders,orders by families,families by genera,and genera by species.each hierarchy extension represents further specialization


The classical inheritance model works well most of the time.however,what do we do if two unrelated PHP classes need to exhibit similar behavior?for example,a PHP class retailsrore and another PHP class car are very different classes and don’t share a common parent in their inheritance hierarchies.however,both classes should be geocodable into latitude and longitude coordinates for display on a map.
Traits were created for exactly this purpose.they enable modular implementations that can be injected into otherwise unrelated classes.traits also encourage code reuse.

My first(bad) reaction is to create a common parent class geocodable that both retailstore and car extend.this is a bad solution because it forces two otherwise unrelated classes to share a common ancestor that does not naturally belong in either inheritance hierarchy.


My second(better)reaction is to create a Geocodable interface that defines which methods are required to implement the Geocodable behavior.the retailStore and Car classes can both implement the Geocodable interface.this is a good solution that allows each class to retain its natural inheritance hierarchy,but it requires us to duplicate the same Geocodable behavior in both classes,this is not a DRY solution.


DRY is an acronym for do not repeat yourself.it’s considered a good practice never to duplicate the same code in multiple locations.you should not need to change code in one location because you changed code in another location.


My third(best)reaction is to create a Geocodable trants that defined and implements the Geocodable methods.I can hen mix the Geocodable trait into both the RetailStore and Car classes without polluting their natural inheritance hierarchies.


How to create a trait

Here’s how you define a PHP trait:

Trait mytrait{
//trait implementation goes here

It is considered a good practice to define only one trait per file,just like class and interface definitions.

Let’s return to our geocodable example to better demonstrate traits in practice.we agree both RetailStore and Car classes need to provide geocodable behavior,and we’ve decided inheritance and interfaces are not the best solution.instead,we create a geocodable trait that returns latitude and longitude coordinates that we can plot on a map.our complete Geocodable trait looks like Example 2-12

我们回到geocodable实例,在较好的解决方案中,我们明白RetailStore和Car类都需要提供给Geocodable行为,同时我们也明白继承和接口不是最好的解决方案,我们为Geocodable创建trait返回经纬度功能,这样我们就可以绘制地图了.我们编写的Geocodable trait见示例2-12

Trait Geocodable{

Protected $address;
Protected $geocoder;
Protected $geocoderResult;

Public function setGeoer(\Grocoder\GeocoderInterface $geocoder)
$this->geocoder = $geocoder;

Public function setAddress($address)
$this->address = $address;

Public function getLatitude()
If(isset($this->geocodableResult) === false) $this->geocodAddress();
Return $this->geocoderResult->getLatitude();

Public function getLongitude()
If(isset($this->getcoderResult) === false) $this->geocodeAddress();
Return $this->getcodeAddress();

Protected function getcodeAddress()
$this->geocoderResult = $this->geocoder->geocode($ths->address);
Return ture;

The Geocodable trait defines only the properties and method necessary to implement the geocodable behavior.it does not do anything else.
Geocodable trait仅仅定义了特性和必要的方法去实现geocodable的行为,除此以外不需要做任何事.

Our geocodable trait defines three class properties:an address(string),a geocoder object(an instance of \Geocoder\Geocoder from the excellent willdurand/geocoder component by william durand),we also define four public methods and one protected method.the setGeocoder() method is used to inject the Geocoder object.the setAddress() method is used to set an address.the getLatitude() and getLongitude() methods return their respective coordinates.and the geocodeaddress() method passes the address string into the geocoder instance to retrieve the geocoder result.

我们的Geocodable trait定义了三个类属性: address(string) 一个geocodable对象(\geocoder\geocoder实例,他来自卓越的willdurand/geocoder组件 由 williamdurand编写),我们同样定义了4个公开方法和一个私有方法,setGeocoder()方法用来添加Geocoder对象,setAddress方法用于设置地址,getLatitude方法将将添加的地址字符串注入geocoder实例用于获取geocoder的结果.

How to use a trait
Using a PHP trait is easy.add the code use MyTrait;inside a PHP class definition.here’s an example.obviously,replace MyTrait with the appropriate PHP trait name:

在PHP使用trait是很简单,如果我们要使用一个trait MyTrait,只需把他添加进PHP类定义中,这里有一个实例,显然MyTrait是一个恰当的trait名称


Class MyClass
Use MyTrait;
//class implementation goes here

Both namespaces and traits are imported with the use keyword.where they are imported is different.we import namespaces,classes,interfaces,functions,and constants outside of a class definition.we import traits inside a class definition.the difference is subtle but important.


Let’s return to our geocodable example.we defined the geocodable trait in Example 2-12 let’s update our retailstore class so that it uses the geocodable trait example 2-13.for the sake of brevity,I do not provide the complete retailstore class implementation.

我们回到我们的geocodable实例,我们在实例2-12定义了geocodable trait,我们更新retailstore类使其可以使用实例2-13的geocodable trait,原理很简单,所以我不在retailstore类提供具体的实现.

Example 2-13 the retailstore class definition
实例2-13 retailstore类的定义


Class retailstore
Use geocodable;
//class implementation goes here

That’s all we have to do.now each retailstore instance can use the properties and methods provided by the geocodable trait,as shown in Example 2-14


Example 2-14 traits

$geocoderAdapter = new \geocoder\httpadapter\curlhttpadapter();
$geocoderProvide = new \geocoder\provider\googlemapsprovider($geocoderAdapter);
$geocoder = new \geocoder\geocoder($geocoderProvider);

$store = new trtailstore();
$store->setAddress(‘420 9th aveue, new york,Ny 10001 usa’);

$latitude = $store->getLatitude();
$longitude = $store->getLongtude();
Echo $latitude.’:’.$longitude;

The php interpreter copies and pastes trains into class definitions at compile time,and it does not protect against incompatobilities introduced by this action,if your PHP trait assumes a class property or method exits (that is not defined in the trait itself),be sure those propertied and methods exist in the appropriate classes.

PHP编译器在编译代码时会在类定义中复制并解析trains,但编译器在进行这个动作时并没有对兼容性进行保护,如果你的PHP trait试图获取了一个类已存在的属性或方法(这个属性或方法并没有在trait中定义),请保证这些属性或方法存在与能够获取到的类中.