现代PHP的新特性(4) – 编写一个接口

Code to an interface

Learning how to code to an interface changed my life as a PHP programmer,and it profoundly improved my ability to integrate third-party PHP components into my own applications.interfaces are not a new feature,but they are an important feature that you should know about and use on a daily basis.



So what is a PHP interface? An interface is a contract between two PHP object that lets one object depend not on what another object is but,instead,on what another object can do.an interface decouples our code from its dependencies,and it allows our code to depend on any third-party code implement the expected interface.we don’t care how the third-party code implements the interface;we care only that the third-party code does implement the interface.here’s a more down-to-earth example.


Let’s pretend I just arrived in miami,florida for the sunshine PHP developer conference.I need a way to get around town,so I head straight for the local car rental place.they have a tiny Hyundai compact,a subaru wagon,and(much to my surprise)a bugatti vetron. I know I need a way to get around town,and all three vehicles can help me do that.but each vehicle does so differently.the Hyundai accent is OK,but i’d like something with a bit more oomph,I don’t have kids,so the wagon has more seating than I need.i’ll take the bugatti,please.


The reality is that i can drive any of there three cars because they all share a common and expected interface,each car has a steering wheel,a gas pedal,a break pedal,and turn signals,and each uses gasoline for fuel,the bugatti is probably more power than i can handle,but the driving interface is same as the Hyundai’s.because all three cars share the same expected interface,and i have the opportunity to choose my preferred vehicle(and if we’re being honest,i’d probably go with the Hyundai)


This is the exact same concept in object-oriented PHP.if I write code that expects an object of a specific class(and therefore a specific implementation).my code’s utility is inherently limited because it can only use objects of that one class,forever.however,if i write code that expects an interface,my code does not care how the interface is implemented;my code cares only that the interface is implemented.let’s drive this home with a demo.


I have a hypothetical PHP class named documentstore that collects text from different source:it fetches HTML from remote URLs;it read stream resources;and it collects terminal command output.each document stored in a documentstore instance has a unique ID.example 2-6 shows the documentstore class.


Example 2-6.documentstore class definition


Class documentstore
Protacted $data = [];

Public function adddocument(documentable $document)
$key = $document->getId();
$value = $document->getContent();
$this->data[$key] = $value;

Public function getDocuement()
Return $this->data;

How exactly does this work if the addDocument() method only accepts instances of the documentable class?that’s a good observation.however,documentable is not a class.it’s an interface,and it looks like example 2-7


Example 2-7 documentable interface defintion
实例2-7 documentable的接口定义

Interface documentable
Public function getId();

Public function getContent();

This interface definition says that any object implementing the documentable interface must provide a public getId() method and a public getContent() method.

So how exactly is this helpful? It’s helpful because we can create separate documentfetching classes with wildly different implementations.Example 2-8 shows an implementation that can fetch HTML from a remote URL with curl.



Example 2-8 htmldocumetn class definition
示例2-8 htmldocument类的定义

Class htmldocument implements documentable
Protected $url;

Public function __constract($url)
$this->url = $url;
Public function getId()
Return $this->url;

Public function getContent()
$ch = curl_init();
Return $html;

Another implamentation(example 2-9)can read a stream resource.

Example 2-9 streamdocument class definition

Class streamdocument implements documentable
Protected $resource;
Protected $buffer;

Public function __construct($resource,$buffer = 4096)
$this->resource = $resource;
$this->buffer = $buffer;

Public function getId()
Return ‘resource_’.(int)$this->resource;;

Public function getContent()
$streamContent = ‘’;
While(feof($this->resource) === false)
$stramContent .= fread($this->resource,$this->budder);
Return $streamContent;

And another implementation(example 2-10)can fetch the result of a terminal command.

Example 2-10 stramDocumetn class definition

Class commandOutputDocument implements documentable
Protected $command;

Public function __construct($command)
$this->command = $command;

Public function getId()
Return $this->command;

Public function getContent()
Return shell_exec($this->command);

Example 2-11 shows how we can use the documetnstore class with our three document-collection implementations


Example 2-11 documentstore


$documentstore = new documentStore();

//add HTML document
$htmlDoc = new HTMLdocument(‘xxx’);

//add stram document
$streamDoc = new stramDocument(fopen(‘xxx’));

//add terminal command document
$cmdDoc = new commandOutputDocument(‘xxx’);



This is really cool because the HTMLdocument,StramDocument,and CommandOutputDocument classes have nothing in common other than a common interface.


At the end of the day,coding to an interface create more-flexible code that delegates implementation concerns to others.many more people (e.g. Your office buddies,your open source project’s users,or developers you’ve never met) can write code that works seamlessly with your code by knowing nothing more than an interface.

建立一个接口可以为代码带来更强的适应性,并给继承他的成员建立了关系.很多人(比如 同事,使用你程序的用户或你从未谋面的共同开发者)可以通过接口将编写的代码无缝的连接在一起.