现代PHP的新特性(2) – 声明命名空间


Every PHP class,interface,function,and constant lives beneath a namespace(or subnamespace).namesplace are declared at the top of a PHP file on a new line immediately after the opening <?php tag.the namespace declararion begins with namespace,then a space character,then the namespace name,and then a closing semicolon;character.


Remember that namespaces are often used to establish a top-level vendor name.this example namespace declaration establishes the oreilly vendor name:


Namespace Oreilly;

All PHP classes,interfaces,functions,or constants declared beneath this namespace declaration live in the Oreilly namespace and are,in some way,related to O`Reilly Media.what if we wanted to organize code related to this book?we use a subnamespace.

现在,所有PHP类,接口,函数或变量的命名空间均为Oreilly,如果我们还需要进一步细分时,如O`Reilly Media,应该如何组织这些代码呢?我们可以使用subnamespace

Subnamespaces are declared exactly the same as in the previous example.the only difference is that we separate namespace and subnamespace names with the \ character.the following example declares a subnamespace named modern PHP that lives beneath the topmost Oreilly vendor namespace.

Subnamespace声明与namespace几乎完全相同,举个例子,他们之间唯一的不同之处在于命名空间与subnamespace的名称在\符号前后相互独立.下面的例子在顶级命名空间Oreilly组件之下声明了一个subnamespace modernPHP

Namespace Oreilly\ModernPHP

All classes,interface,functions,and constants declared beneath this namespace declaration live in the Oreilly\ModernPHP subnamespace and are,in some way,related to this book.

All classes in the same namespace or subnamespace don`t have to be declared in the same PHP file.you can specify a namespace or subnamespace at the top of any PHP file,and that file`s code becomes a part of that namespace or subnamespace,this makes it possible to write multiple classes in separate files that belong to a common namespace.

现在,所有类,接口,函数和变量均在命名空间oreilly和subnamespace ModernPHP之下


Import and alias

Beforce we had namespaces,PHP developers solved the name collision problem with Zend-style class names.this was a class-naming scheme popularized by zend Framework where PHP class name used underscores in lieu of filesystem directory separators,this convention accomplished two things:it ensured class names were unique,and it enabled a naive autoloader implementation that replaced underscores in PHP class names with filesystem directory separators to determine the class file path.



For example,the PHP class zend_cloud_documentService_adapter_windowsAzure_query corresponds to the PHP file zend/cloud/documentservice/adspter/widowsazure/query.php.a side effect of the zend-style naming convertion,as you can see,is absurdly long class names,call me lazy,but there`s no way i`m typing that class name more than once.

举个例子,PHP类zend_cloud_documentService_adapter_windowsAzure_query corresponds位于文件zend/cloud/documentservice/adspter/widowsazure/query.php,这种zend风格的命名方式有一个副作用,就是会产生一个非常长且古怪的类名,虽然我很懒,但我不得不经常键入这种风格的类名.
Modern PHP namespaces present a similar problem.for example,the full response class name in the syfony\httpfoundation component is \symfony\component\httpFoundation\Response.fortunately PHP lets us import and alias namespaced code.

现代PHP的命名空间也有类似的问题,举个例子,一个命名为symfony\httpfoundation的组件,位于\Symfony\Component \HttpFoundation\Response,幸运的是PHP为我们导入并为命名空间建立了别名

By import,I mean that I tell PHP which namespaces,classes,interfaces,functions,and constants I will use in each PHP file,I can then use there without typing their full namespaces.


By alias,I mean that I tell PHP that I will reference an imported class,interface,function,or constant with a shorter name.


The code shown in Example 2-1 creates and sends a 400 bad request HTTP response without importing and aliasing


Example 2-1,namespace without alias

$response = new \symfony\component\httpfoundation\response(‘oops’,400);

This isn`t terrible,but imagine you have to instantiate a response instance several times in a single PHP file.you fingers will get tired quickly.now look at example 2-2.it does the same thing with importing.


Example 2-2.namespace with default alias


Use symfony\component\httpfoundation\response;

$response = new Response(‘oops’,400);

We tell PHP we intend to use the symfony\component\httpfoundation\response class with the use keyword.we type the long,fully qualified class name once.then we can instantiate the response class without using its fully namespaced class name.how cool is that?

Some days I feel really lazy,this is a good opportunity to use an alias,Let`s extend Example 2-2,instead of typing response,maybe response,maybe,I just want to type res instead.example 2-3 shows how I can do that



Example 2-3 namespace with custom alias


Use syfony\component\httpfoundation\response as res;

$r = new Res(‘oops’,400);

In this example,I changed the import line to import the response class.I also appended as Res to the end of the import line;this tells PHP to consider Res an alias for the Response class.If we don`t append the as Res alias to the import line,PHP assumes a default alias that is the same as the imported class name.

在这个示例中,我修改了导入response这一行的代码,我在代码的末尾添加了 as res,他告诉PHP把res作为response的别名,如果我们没有这么做,PHP会将默认别名设置为与我们导入的类名一样.

As of PHP5.6,it`s possible to import functions and constants.this requires a tweak to the use keyword syntax.to import a function,change use to use func.


Use func namespace\functionname;


To import a constant,change use to constant;

Use constant namespace\CONST_NAME;


Function and constant aliases work the same as classes.