现代PHP的新特性(1) – 命名空间



The modern PHP language has many exciting new features.many of there features will be brand new to PHP programmers upgrading from earlier versions,and they`ll be a nice surprise to programmers migrating to PHP from another language.there new feature make the PHP language a powerful platform and provide a pleasant experience for building web applications and command-line tools.


Some of there features aren`t essential,but they still make our lives easier.some features,however,are essential.namespaces,for example,are a cornerstone of modern PHP standards and enable development practices that modern PHP developers take for granted.I`ll introduce each new feature,explain why it is useful,and show you how to implement it in your own projects.










If there is one modern PHP feature I want you to know,it is namespaces.introduced in PHP 5.3.0,namespaces are an important tool that organizes PHP code into a virtual hierarchy,comparable to your operating system`s filesystem directory structure.each modern PHP component and framework organizes its code beneath its own globally unique vendor namespace so that it does not conflict with,or lay claim to,common class names used by other vendors.




Let`s see how a real-world PHP component uses namespaces. The symfony framework`s own symfony/httpfoundtion is a popular PHP component that manages HTTP requests and responese.more important,the syfony/httpfoundation component uses common PHP class names like question,response,and cookie.i guarantee you there are many other PHP components that use there same class names.how can we use the symfony/httpfoundation PHP component if other PHP code uses the same class name?we can safely use the symfony/httpfoundation component precisely because its code is sandboxed beneath the unique symfony verndor namesapce.visit the syfony/httpfoundation component on github and navigate to the response.php file.it looks like figure 2-1.




This is a PHP namespace declaration,and it always appears on a new line immediately atfer the opening <? Php tag.this particular namespace declaration tells us several things.first,we know the response class lives beneath the syfony vendor namespace(the vendor namespace is the topmost namespace).we know the response class lives beneath the component subnamespace.we also know the response class lives beneath yet another subnamespace named httpfoundation,you can view other files adjacent to response.php,and you`ll see they use the same namespace declaration.a namespace(or subnamespace) encapsulates and organizes related PHP classes,just as a filesystem directory contains related files.




Unlike your operating system`s physical filesystem,PHP namespaces are a virtual concept and do not necessarily map 1:1 with filesystem directories.that being said,most PHP componeents do,in fact,map subnamesapce to filesystem directories for compatibillity with the popular PSR-4 autoloader standard(we`ll talk more about this in chapter 3)




Why we use namespaces


Namespaces are important because they let us create sandboxed code that works alongside other developers` code.this is the cornerstone concept of the modern PHP component ecosystem component and framework authors build and distribute code for a large number of PHP developers,and they have no way of knowing or controlling what classes,interfaces,functions,and constants,too.if you write custom PHP components or classes for a project,that code must work alongside your project`s third-party dependencies.





namespaces,a name collision causes PHP to fail.with namespaces,your code and other developers` code can use the same class,interface,function,or constant name assuming your code lives beneath a unique vendor namespace.




If you`re building a tiny personal project with only a few dependencies,class name collision probably won`t be an issue.but when you`re working on a team building a large project with numerous third-party dependencies,name collisions become a very real concern.you cannot control which classes,interfaces,functions,and constants are introduced into the global namespace by your project`s dependencies.this is why namespacing your code is important.

