The new PHP(全新的PHP语言)

The new PHP


The PHP language is experiencing a renaissance.PHP is transforming into a modern scripting language with helpful features like namespaces,traits,closures,and a builtin opcode cache.The modern PHP ecosystem is evolving,too.PHP developers rely less on monolithic frameworks and more on smaller specialized components.The Composer us from a frameworks is revolutionizing how we build PHP applications;it emancipates us from a frameworks`s walled garden and lets us mix and match interoperable PHP components best suited for our custom PHP applications.Component interoperability would not be possible without community standards proposed and curated by the PHP Framework Interop Group.


Modern PHP is your guide to the new PHP,and it will show you how to build and deploy amazing PHP applications using community standards,good practices,and interoperable components.










Before we explore modern PHP,it is important to understands PHP`s origin.PHP is an imterpreted server-side scripting language.this means you write PHP code,upload it to a web server,and execute it with an interpreter.PHP is typically used with a web server like Apache or nigix to server dynamic content.however,PHP can also be uesd to build powerful command-line application(just like bash,ruby,python,and so on).many PHP developers don`t realize this and miss out on a really exciting feature.not you,though.






You can read the official PHP history at . I won`t repeat what has already been said so well by Rasmus Lerdorf(the creator of PHP).what I will tell you is that PHP has a tumultuous past.PHP began as a collection of CGI scrips written by Rasmus Lerdorf to track visits to his online resume.Lerdorf named his set of CGI scripts “personal Hone Page Tools”.this early incarnation was completely different from the PHP we know today.Lerdorf`s early PHP tools were not a scripting language;they were tools that provided rudimentary variables and automatic form variable interpretation using an HTML embedded syntax.


你可以在(阅读官方撰写的PHP历史,我不必重复PHP作者Rasmus Lerdorf说”PHP已经很好”之类的句子,而是要告诉你PHP纷乱的历史.PHP最初只是Rasmus Lerdorf对CGI脚本的封装用于在线浏览他的简历.Lerdorf为这个CGI脚本命名为”个人首页工具”,这个早期的原型与现在的PHP太有不同,Lerdorf编写的早期PHP工具并不是一个脚本语言,而是提供基本变量和自动解析嵌入HTML变量的工具.


Between 1994 and 1998,PHP underwent numerous recisions and even received a few ground-up rewrites.andi gutmans and zeev suraski,two developers from tel aviv,joined force with Rasmus Lerdorf to transform PHP from a small collection of CGI tools into a full-fledged programming language with a more consistent syntax and basic support for object-oriented programming.they named their final product PHP3 and released it in 1998,the new PHP moniker was a departure from earlier names,and it is a recursive acronym for PHP:Hypertext preprocessor.PHP3 was the first version that most resembled the PHP,we know provided superior extensibility to various databases,and APIs,PHP 3`s extensibility attracted many new developers to the late 1998,PHP 3 was already installed on a staggering 10% of the world`s web servers.


在1994至1998之间,PHP承受了数不清的优化和对底层的修改,andi gumans和zeev suraski两名来自特拉维夫的开发者加入了Rasmus Lerdorf,为PHP从CGI小工具到一门完整成熟的,拥有稳定语法和初步支持对面向对象的程序设计语言做出了贡献.他们将最终的产品命名为PHP3并在1998年发布.PHP这个命名源自超文本预处理器( Professional Hypertext Preprocessor)首字母缩写.PHP3是最早的类似于现代PHP的版本,他为不同数据库和API提供了较好的可扩展性,正是因为PHP3良好的扩展性,吸引了众多开发者使用PHP进行应用开发,在1998年末,PHP3已经部署在全球10%的web服务器上.




Today,the PHP language is quickly evolving and is supported by dozens of core team developers from around the world.development practice have changed, the past,it was common practice to write a PHP file,upload it to a production server with FTP,and hope it worked.this is a terrible development strategy,but it was necessary due to a lack of viable local development environments.






Nowadays,we eschew FTP and use version control instead.version control software like git helps maintain an auditable code history that can be branched,forked,and merged.local development environments are identical to production servers thanks to virtualization tools like vagrant and provisioning tools like ansible,chef,and puppet.we leverage specialized PHP components with the composer dependency manager.our PHP code adheres to PSR`s fastCGI process manager behind a web server like nginx.and we increase application performance with an opcode cache.




Modern PHP encompasses many new pratices that may be unfamiliar to those of you new to PHP,or to those upgrading from older PHP versions,don`t feel overwhelmed,i`ll walk though each concept later in this book.


I`m also excited that PHP now has an official draft specification–something it lacked until 2014.






Sara golemon and facebook announced the first PHP specification draft at O`Reilly`s OSCON conference in 2014,you can read the official announcement on the PHP internals mailing list,and you can read the PHP specification on Github.


An official PHP language specification is becoming more important given the introduction of multiple competing PHP engines.the original PHP engine is the zend engine,a PHP interpreter written in C and introduced in PHP4.the zend engine was created by Rasmus Lerdorf,andi gutmans,and zeev the zend engine is the zend company`s main contribution to the PHP community.however,there is now a second major PHP engine–the HipHop virtual machine from facebook.a language specification ensures that both engines maintain a baseline compatibility.


Sara golemon和facebook在2014年OSCON开源大会发布了第一份PHP规范草案, 你可以在PHP内部邮件和GITHUB列表阅读这份草案.


PHP官方规范引文包含了几种相互矛盾的PHP引擎,最初的PHP引擎是zend引擎,解释器由C语言编写并在PHP4中使用.zend引擎由Rasmus Lerdorf,gutmans,zeev suraski创建,现在是zend公司对社区的主要贡献.不过现在出现了第二种主要的PHP引擎–由facebook推出的HipHop虚拟机,PHP语言保持了对两种引擎的最基本的兼容性.




The zend engine is improving at a rapid pacce with new features and improved performance.I attribute the zend engine`s improvements to its new competition,specifically facebook`s hiphop virtual machine and hack programming language.


Hack is a new programming language built on top of PHP,it introduces static typing,new data structure,and additional interfaces while maintaining backward compatibility with existing dynamically typed PHP code.hack is targeted at developers who appreciate PHP`s rapid development characteristics but need the predictability and stability from static type.





